I am a Professor of Songwriting based at The Institute Contemporary Music Performance in London, and a Principle Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My day job is Head of School; Music Performance and Creation at ICMP, with responsibility for all our Higher Education Programmes in these areas.
I am also an experienced public speaker and during AY23/24, I am presenting at international conferences on my ‘Why We Write Songs’ community research project, which will be published as a book in 2024.
From January 2024, I am a contributing ‘Six Musicologist’ on BBC 6 Music’s drive time show with Huw Stephens.
I am also the Programme Leader for the Masters Songwriting at ICMP, a Director at The F List, an External Examiner for Music BAs at two UK Universities, and a writing and performing artist researching new feminist applications for Songwriting as ‘Liberty’s Mother’.
I am dedicated to combining quality higher education with expert industry training in contemporary songwriting and am passionate about equality, creativity and personal development. With a background in the commercial music business, I now have a particular interest in the non-commercial research based purposes for songwriting.

Sophie Daniels | Songwriting Courses | ICMP Music School
Sophie Daniels is Head of Songwriting at ICMP where she founded the songwriting provision in 2004. Her early career was in songwriting, performing, teaching and the record industry, holding marketing roles at the major labels; Sony UK and S Records where she worked directly for Simon Cowell.

Directors of The F-List | The F-List Directory of UK Female+ Musicians | Search for Musicians

Why We Write Songs II – Songwriting Studies
This virtual roundtable event for the Songwriting Studies Research Network took place on the 18th May 2022 and was chaired by Sophie Daniels of ICMP. The panel featured Pat Pattison, Frank Turner, Simon Barber, Phillip McIntyre and Andy West. Together they debated and discussed their thoughts on why they write songs.

I am Liberty's Mother
My name is Sophie Alagna. You may know me as ‘Sophie Daniels’ (my professional name), ‘Cosmo’s Mum’, ‘Rocco’s Mum’ or ‘Alessandro’s Wife’, but it is very unlikely that you know me as ‘Liberty’s Mother’… and yet, that is not only who I am, but I often think that it is the most important part of my identity.